What if you received a letter from your future self ?

It’s midnight, you just turned 30. When suddenly, a notification appears. It comes from your inbox. You open the e-mail and guess what ? You discover with amazement that you’re the author of this letter. We could almost believe of a scenario from Christopher Nolan, except that this letter comes from a web site : FutureMe… And what if you were writing a letter to your future you ?

To receive your letter in 10 years

How would you be in five or ten years ? This question came in all mind at least once in our lives. To write for the future, like a message in a bottle, virtual and addressed to you. That is what FutureMe is offering. A really good occasion to send good vibes to yourself. What would you say to YOURself in ten years ? What are your wishes ? What are your hopes ? Aspirations ? How do you imagine the world in the course of all those years ?

Writing is full of benefits. « Mental health charities have shared case studies of how writing helps normalize people’s feelings and allow them to process them in different ways« , said Forbes. Furthermore, it’s a great opportunity to surprise you. Because from now until couple years, chances are huge that you would have forget this letter. Or in the opposite, will rekindle a big impatience from the idea to receive it, without any memories of what you’ve had written formerly.

An approach who makes feel good

Beyond being a website, FutureMe go along with the internet users in their life. Sometimes year after year, in transitional periods. As can show the numerous testimonies available on the web platform or on Twitter. Created in 2002, it’s about more than 5 millions letters that have been sent across the world.

recevoir une lettre du futur vous

And it’s totally free ! On the other hand, to be able to send letters in the futur to your closes relations, you’ll need to become a Premium member for an annual cost of 3$, with others advantages as a bonus.

It’s never too late to write a letter for ourselves. So take your pencils (or more accurately your keyboard)! The only choice remaining would be the date of the reception. In a year, two, ten or even twenty… This choice is yours.

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