COVID-19 : When women talk about their confinement

In the United States, Thailand, Uganda or even in Slovakia, women from the world took a moment to answer couple questions on their confinement. How do they deal with it ? What are they going to do once it’s over ? Find out just bellow…

Nadine… in Germany

Since when have you been confined ? I’m in self-quarantine since almost 8 weeks now. The nation wide contact-confinements started at the 22.03.2020 in Germany.

With who are you during the quarantine ? Usually I’m by myself in my little one-room apartment. I’m still seeing two friends for walks and my colleges at work but I don’t really have a « quarantine-buddy“. 

How would you describe your « confinement life » ? For me personally there weren’t huge changes actually. I work at a radio station and so I don’t have to worry about loosing my job because during a crisis there’s obviously more work. Most of the time I’m at home tough taking online classes for Uni.

Is that situation hard for you ? It’s very hard but then again it is not at all. Within these extreme circumstances I know that I’m very privileged to not have to worry about my job or money. So I feel like I’m not really allowing myself to complain…but of course I really miss my friends.  I’m very extroverted  and so I’m used to get a lot of my energy out of socializing and being a part of big groups. I’m also struggling with the absence of normal physical touch, or physical presence in general. 

Nadine from Germany (IG/itsmirenze)

What are your three favorites hobbies now that you’re locked down at home ? I really love doing home-workouts at the moment. I always had to force myself in the past but since I don’t really move my body during the rest of the day I can literally feel it thanking me when I’m doing my workout sessions and that feels amazing! I also finally picked up my guitar (which was pretty much just decoration before the lockdown) and try to practice regularly. I’d say a third hobby might be trying to learn some Japanese, but please don’t ask me how it’s going…still trying to count from one to ten.

« It’s very hard but then again it is not at all. Within these extreme circumstances I know that I’m very privileged to not have to worry about my job or money.« 

For you, is there a before and after Coronavirus or everything is similar ? Like everyone else I also had a lot of time to reflect upon my life and myself, so there definitely will be some changes and a post-corona-me. For example I realized that self-care doesn’t only mean to do me-time and to pamper myself, it also means to be self-disciplined and to move beyond momentary self indulgence. So now every time I feel like I start procrastinating I ask myself « What would I do if I’d love myself“ – most of the time the answer is pretty clear, most of the time it’s not watching that 5th episode in a row :D! That helps me a lot to leave old, more self-destructive patterns behind and to be more loving towards myself.

What is the first thing that you’re going to do once the confinement is lifted ? When this is all over I would love to have a big party with all my friends, go out and just enjoy myself. I really miss letting loose on the dance floor. Obviously not as wasteful as Gatsby because we still have this climate crisis to consider, but you’ll definitely see me swaying to « A little party never killed nobody“ !

Jahcelyne… in the United States

Since when have you been confined ? I have been in quarantine since March 11th.

With who are you during the quarantine ? I am quarantining with my boyfriend Daniel who is also working from home during this time.

How would you describe your « confinement life » ? My confinement life has a routine. During the week when I normally wake up around 7:30-8:00 a.m., I usually spend about an hour in quiet time just meditating and praying. I start work at 9:00 a.m. so I work until lunch time which is around 12:30 p.m. and work until around 4:30 p.m. After work Daniel and I will usually watch one of our favorite shows, cook dinner, maybe take a walk if it’s nice out. Also I just pay attention to what I need. If I’m feel active, I’ll go work out. If I’m feeling lazy, I’ll just relax on the couch and listen to music. If I’m feeling inspired, I’ll work on my YouTube channel. It really all depends on how I’m feeling!

Jahcelyne and her boyfriend during the confinement (IG/Jahcelyne)

« There are days when I struggle but I mostly try to look on a positive side of things and talk with my therapist or my family members if I’m having a hard time. » 

What are your three favorites hobbies now that you’re locked down at home ? My favorite hobbies have been furnishing my apartment, trying new recipes and having more time with Daniel.

For you, is there a before and after Coronavirus or everything is similar ? My life is pretty similar to what it’s always been because I still have my job and all my family members and friends are healthy and safe so that’s all I can ask for.

Is there any restrictions imposed by the government of your country ? Yes! We aren’t able to gather in spaces with large amounts of people. Also, you can’t go into stores without masks. Hugging and shaking hands is not allowed.

What is the first thing that you’re going to do once the confinement is lifted ? First thing I’m going to do is start working on this new series I’m starting on my  YouTube channel. I am so excited! I will be interviewing powerful and inspiring women so I am eager to start that soon.

Latifa… in France

Since when have you been confined ? I have been confined since March 17th.

With who are you during the quarantine ? With my parents and my brothers.

How would you describe your « confinement life » ? Long.. Very long… 

I can’t deny that I have only wish since a week : going out and enjoy the sun.

Is that situation hard for you ? I thought that the situation would have been more difficult because I live with my parents and we are a family of five in a two-bedroom apartment. Finally, I think that we handle the situation pretty well! We didn’t have any arguments, only couple fit of the giggles. We take the situation easy peasy, because we don’t have the choice, it’s better to keep the best of it. For the rest, I’ve always been a stay-at-home type of person so it hasn’t been difficult to adapt myself, even if lately the sun from the month of May starts to make life difficult for me. I can’t deny that I have only one wish since a week : going out and enjoy the sun.

What are your three favorites hobbies now that you’re locked down at home ? My hobbies have really changed since the confinement. In my Top 3 I would say : cooking, working out and playings board games with my family.

Latifa, from France (IG/latifaaa.k)

For you, is there a before and after Coronavirus or everything is similar ? I think that there will no changement or maybe a short one, just after the coronavirus. People will pay attention during couple weeks once the confinement will be lifted, but the good old habits will be back pretty soon.

What is the first thing that you’re going to do once the confinement is lifted ? I’ve planned to go buy some sushis and eat them on a bench in front of the sea!

Marie-Line… in Thailand

Since when have you been confined ? Since the end of March.

With who ? I am with 8 people that I’ve met in a bus who was going the ride from Sihanoukville to Bangkok. They are foreigners who can’t go back to their hometown, like me. We’ve decided to rent a villa to be able to live here at a low cost.

Is that situation hard for you ? I wouldn’t say that it’s that difficult for me. I am conscious that the situation that I’m in actually is particular. I miss my close relatives and I start to feel the need to go back home and to restart a professional activity. That said, I’m learning so much about my self. Of course we’re « restricted from our freedom », but on the other side we truly need to become aware that we finally have some free time! And for me, it’s the best richness. We have time to improve our mind, cooking, to do some soul-searching and so on. Quite the opposite, I really thing that it is the best thing that could happen to me.

« My life during the confinement is a huge self-improvement. I enjoy my time off to do things that I hadn’t the time to do before. I am lucky to have access to the beach from the facility where I am living, I swim and watch the sunset everyday. »

 What are your three favorites hobbies now that you’re locked down ? Writing, cooking and working out.

Is there any restrictions imposed by the government of your country ? The impossibility to go out from our district who is delimited with checkpoints and temperature check. Even if it’s to do our grocery shopping, we have to go in a zone near our habitation. We also have a curfew from 10pm to 4am, during this time we really can’t go out even in our neighborhood. When we go out we must have a mask on and hydro-alcoholic solutions are available in all shops, hotels…

Marie-Line, from Thailand (IG/@Maylee_en_thailande)

For you, is there a before and after Coronavirus or everything is similar ?Completely. Through this awful pandemic I perceive a lot of hope. I would even say and assure that for many people it’s kind of a renewed. With the privation of our freedom of mouvement and in the realization that our lives could stop in no time at all, people took awareness of a lot of things. I am really connected on social media and when I see different stories I can see that there is a before and after. I have friends who discovered some great new skills during this period. It’s an interesting transformation and I am really excited to see my friends and family again, who certainly have changed a lot too.

Marie-Line and friends cleaning a beach in Thailand (Source/M.G.R.)

What is the first thing that you’re going to do once the confinement is lifted ? Keep on traveling in Asia, I think that a lot of people will need volunteers once the confinement is lifted. I would like to do some Workaway (a work really bit paid, sometimes not at all in exchange of room and board).

Kinga… in Slovakia

Kinga, in Slovakia with her dog. (Source/K.J)

Since when have you been confined ? I have been confined since March 16th.

With who are you doing the confinement ? I’m staying with my family – my parents and my sister.

How would you describe your « confinement life » ? My “confinement life” is pretty chilled, I sleep a lot, eat a lot haha. Our lives had slowed down, we are not in a rush just try to enjoy the important things in life.

What are your three favorites hobbies now that you’re locked down at home ? My three favorite hobbies are definitely working out, cooking and taking long walks with my dog. 

« The hard part is that I was supposed to leave my town and start a new life abroad, but the boarders are closed so that plan got cancelled for now, and I got stuck. »

For you, is there a before and after Coronavirus or everything is similar ? Since January I work from home, so staying at home is not a problem for me. I’m also very used to it as I’m not that outgoing anymore. There is definitely a difference in a before and after virus period, because  I moved out from my previous apartment and moved back in with my family until things calm down. 

What is the first thing that you’re going to do once the confinement is lifted ? Um that’s a good question. As I was going out with the dog a lot, also went to the groceries a lot of times I just don’t feel like I’ve been in a lockdown. Life is going back to normal slowly but surely over here, a lot of shops are opened, people are everywhere. So I guess my first big thing is going to be leaving the country and going back to my original plan. 

Mwanini… in Uganda

Since when have you been confined ? I went to Uganda in Africa, in January and was planning on staying until the end of April. The plan was to move back and forth within the country to do some photography for clients of mine. But we have been stuck in one town for 3 months and aren’t allowed to travel within the country since the lockdown.

Where are you and with who are you during the confinement ? I’m in a town called Fort Portal, with my two sisters.

How would you describe your « confinement life » ? Its life as “normal” for us. We are very lucky to be able to have set up an online business, so we’re just working like we normally would. 

Life in fort portal is known to be very slow and people tend to take it easy. The mindset is very calm and patient. So even though people here are struggling since they aren’t able to work and get food as easily anymore, in this town they seem to be happy under the circumstances. The churches and mosques take care of their people with food supplies and the government has postponed rent, water and electricity bills until the lockdown is over. 

Mwanini from Uganda (IG/@Mwanini)

What are your three favorites hobbies now that you’re locked down ? I’ve been cooking a lot! Meditating and doing home workouts. Need to stay fit with all the banana pancakes and cakes I have been baking haha! This is also pretty much the same as in normal life if I’m honest

« So even though people here are struggling since they aren’t able to work and get food as easily anymore, in this town they seem to be happy under the circumstances. »

Is there any restrictions imposed by the government of your country ? The government has restricted private cars and any other mode of transport, which has been the only inconvenience for us at this time. A lot of people work here as “boda drivers” which is a kind of motor, that you can ask to drive you around (think of tuktuks). So for them it has been hard as they have lost most of their income now. Luckily most of them have found jobs in delivering nowadays.

« Life has been on repeat and most days we’re working, but we have to leave the house a few times a week to go to the bank and to the market which is a two-hour walk. »

What is the first thing that you’re going to do once the confinement is lifted ? The borders will probably stay closed for a while longer, so I will not be able to go home anytime soon. When we’re allowed to move around again, I can go back to creating content so that is something to look forward too!

For you, is there a before and after Coronavirus or everything is similar ? Life has been on repeat and most days we’re working, but we have to leave the house a few times a week to go to the bank and to the market which is a two-hour walk. We are very aware of how privileged we are in this situation. As we have little to no worries about food or losing our jobs. We’re also very lucky to be in a place where the disease has not arrived yet. 

Lockdown in the cities has not been as easy for the people as in this town. Especially for woman and young woman who have been put into very dangerous situations like sex trafficking and prostitution for food and supplies. The government tries to take care of their people as best as they can by giving them food supplies and cutting their costs, but I think that life after lockdown worries them too.

I feel like people forget that there is a world outside of them during this quarantine. Even though we are “alone together”, we tend to succumb to our own worries and close off from the suffering other people have to endure during times like these.

Our own worries would become insignificant if you would take a moment to see what others have to go through for basic necessities.

I hope that this article gave you a good insight of how things are happening across the world during this pandemic. If you enjoyed it, like it and share it! And please stay safe!

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